Realise is our private paid for counselling service.

Counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and reflecting back to you to help you to understand and effectively manage your emotional issues. A counsellor shares tools and techniques to help you cope and approach challenges in a different way.

Seeking help can often seem daunting and can take a lot of courage, but doing this is a huge step towards improving your overall wellbeing. 

Who is this service for?

We can work with anyone who needs our help, whatever their concerns and situation. 

You don’t need a mental health diagnosis to see one of our counsellors, but we also work with people with complex and enduring mental health needs.

What we can do to help you

Our team of friendly, qualified counsellors can work with you to understand the issues you’re dealing with or the way you’re feeling to then find a way to start addressing it, and ultimately helping you to manage it effectively.

We also know that it can be difficult to find time in our busy lives to get the support we may need. Our counsellors are available both during standard working hours and in the evening so that you can make it work for you and your lifestyle.

Here are just some of the types of issues we can help with

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • stress
  • grief and loss
  • trauma and PTSD
  • OCS
  • abuse
  • addiction

How do we deliver this service?

We can meet you at our office in Middlesbrough or if you prefer, we can meet you online or we can provide telephone support.

We can be flexible to suit you and your needs.

How can you access this service?

To find out more and book a session with one of our experienced, friendly counsellors, visit the Realise website.